An EPLI policy provides trade associations protection from sexual harassment, wrongful termination suits and much more.
The Importance Of Data Privacy For Nonprofit Organizations
Cyberattacks & data breaches have become a common threat & the importance of data privacy for nonprofit organizations has never been higher.
Top Risks & Liabilities For Trade Associations
Due to their unique circumstances, trade associations are faced with a set of risks and liabilities unlike most businesses.
The Importance Of Liability Insurance For Nonprofits
Since nonprofits use volunteers who aren’t legally employed to work, liability insurance can protect against damages from volunteer injuries.
Why Nonprofits Need To Acquire A D&O Insurance Policy
Due to limited budgets, a D&O insurance policy can prevent a nonprofit shutdown in the event of a lawsuit related to financial mismanagement.
Benefits Of Fiduciary Liability Insurance For Trade Associations
Trade association fiduciaries are faced costly risks & a fiduciary liability insurance policy can protect against fiduciary related claims.
Top Business Insurance Policies For Trade Associations
Trade Associations need specific commercial insurance policies to protect against certain risks and liabilities related to their industry.