One of the most important steps that tech startups can take in the early days is securing the right directors and officers insurance.
Why Trade Associations Need Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance
It is essential that trade associations have adequate directors and officers insurance for any expenses that arise related to legal claims.
A Breakdown Of Directors & Officers Insurance Exclusions
Directors & Officer insurance can be a very useful type of coverage for organizations as it provides liability coverage to the company.
What Does Directors And Officers Insurance Look Like For Nonprofits?
If you are a nonprofit you should consider directors and officers insurance for a nonprofit. Find out more information with CI Solutions:
Workers’ Compensation Protection for Trade Association Employees
If you’re a trade association, it might be worth your while to consider adding workers compensation protection. Learn more with CI Solutions.
What Are The Biggest Risks Trade Associations Face?
There are a few major risks that come along with trade associations. Know what they are and how to be protected from them with CI Solutions.
Why Trade Associations Need D&O
Directors and officers insurance, or D&O insurance can help protect your trade association from liability. Learn more here:
Why Should You Protect Your Trade Association Against Third-Party Liability Claims?
For trade associations, having protection from third-party liability claims can be more than beneficial. Get more information here: